The Problems

Economic Justice: The 3 Big Problems

1. Central Economic Planning and Monetary Policy:

We need to distill out the confusion and recognize first and foremost, the US economy is based on a debt-based, fiat currency printed by a private institution known as the Federal Reserve, which is essentially an act of Central Economic Planning, one of the pillars of the Communist Manifesto.

One major layer of all the economic issues in the world and the US economy are due to this fact. Not because of the failure of capitalism.

This is such an interesting paradox because essentially in a true capitalist system in the United States, the government would be the one printing and issuing the currency and it would be backed by real equity such as gold and silver as stated in the Constitution.

In a pure capitalist system this is the proper role of government’s hand in economics because they create an equity backed currency rather than a debt-based currency. We The People have access to it debt and interest free. Then the markets decide the value of money through supply and demand, rather than Central Economic Planning by any authority, private or government for that matter. This is a foundation that creates true wealth, because its very backbone is true wealth and there’s no interference in the market by government or some other divine “omnipotent” force.

In the Communist System you have Central Economic Planning where the value of money and interest rates are set by a central authority rather than leaving it to the markets. Paradoxically in our current system, our government gave away the right of itself to create an equity-based currency, interest free, to a private entity that does all of our Central Economic Planning for us and prints a debt-based, fiat currency and loans it to us with interest.

This is the strange slight of hand magic trick that has everyone confused. We have a Communist approach, with the twist of duping us into making this central authority appear to be our own government because the President of the United States appoints the Board of Governors for the Federal Reserve, however, the ownership is actually private (rather than government), as well as being completely confidential so we can’t know and hold the owners accountable, nor understand if there is a conflict of interest with whom those owners may be.

It essentially appears to be a strange, private, yet government ordained institution with monopoly powers to counterfeit money. That is, print money out of thin air (create money from nothing) and then loan it to us at interest, all the while being kept anonymous as to who these people are.

Then when being challenged about their monopoly over the money supply and monetary policy, they try to make the argument that this omnipotent power over monetary policy has to be given to them in order to keep government out of it and leave it to them, the “experts”. Isn’t that a conflict of interest, considering they make money off of us for every dollar that is printed?

They have an interest and stake in their own personal gain despite the fact that the American people are whom they are disguised to be serving and working for.

As the saying goes, “you can’t serve two masters”. Who do you think they serve? The American people or their own shareholders, who own the Federal Reserve and collect all that interest?

2. Corporate Laws:

Our capitalist system is not perfect. The corporate laws that bind CEOs of publicly traded companies to do whatever they can to make the most profit, despite morality is something that needs to be changed. The system itself is broken in this manner and corporations, we believe, should have a duty to the Common Welfare of the people, humanity at large, and the environment. Not that companies should be coerced or forced through more bureaucracy or laws, but rather, they shouldn’t be forced to put profit first, if they can display where it could put the public welfare or environment at risk.

People themselves can then choose to invest in socially responsible companies and vote with their dollars. We believe that markets and the people would by and large learn to promote socially responsible companies. Through the natural supply and demand of this current need, many publicly traded companies would be influenced to move in this direction. We are confident that the tide of public opinion has already turned this way anyway. Supply and demand will itself eventually correct all the mistakes this out of control corporate law has made. It would really speed things up though if we could just change this law and not tie corporation’s hands behind their backs to being more discerning and socially responsible.

As Socialism, Socialist ideas, and Socialist candidates hide behind another name and bash on Capitalism and Capitalist ideas as the source of all our problems, they will continue to try and sell us on how and why we need more government to solve our problems. We will be there, though, waking people up to the fact that more government is not the solution. Untying the corporation’s hands from being more socially responsible is the real solution. We don’t need more government and less corporations, we need more corporations to be allowed to be socially responsible. Currently they simply are not capable unless it directly makes them more profit.

3. Money in Politics

The final issue that is really wrong with our socio-economic political system in America is really this whole idea of having money in politics with lobbyists buying votes and politicians.

Politics and government we believe should be an objective moral discourse by people not even capable of being controlled and influenced by monetary gain.

It will be impossible to totally root it out because anyone in government is always going to have an opportunity to give private interests a step up or an edge in some way, but it should be illegal to influence them to do so.

Morally, we believe money should be left out of politics.